Career Advice

Let’s work together and explore opportunities…

Career Advice

If you have been working with a single firm all these years, then it’s one thing that’s the most benefiting from you for the employers. However, as far as your career goes, has the same employer been giving you better opportunities to grow in the market in these years? Has your career reached a level that earlier might not have been possible?

That’s not the case for many of us, right? So, to improve the graph line of your career, you need to keep looking outwards for something that is always better for you to move ahead in life. Moreover, you get to reach a level which the current company might not ever give.

However, we are not promoting any disloyalty to your existing company if you are happy working. Though, we recommend that you find better and improvised job opportunities in the market even when you are currently working anywhere else.

When Should You Start Looking For A New Job Exactly?

After every 2-4 months, you should keep updating the work you have done as well as your CV. Then start looking for the jobs during such situations:

Know the peak period: There is always a peak period of hiring that takes place for every industry. Normally, during April-May, there is a mass hiring going on through every industry. That happens because of the financial year that starts.

When you are not getting a single promotion after 1-3 years: If that is happening to you in the confirm firm, then it is time you start looking for new jobs.

When you are bored of the current job profile: If you think you have mastered the art of your current job, and yet there is no scope to move ahead on the ladder in your existing firm, then start looking for better opportunities.

When the salary hike is becoming a visceral issue: Either you ask for a raise, or you do not. When don’t, then it becomes more of an internal problem. You get detached from your current job, and then you even feel disappointed in yourself and the skills which you possess. Therefore, it is time that you look for better working conditions, where your talent will be realised within the correct salary package.

How Can You Sharpen Your Communication Skills?

There are multiple principles of communication that one can learn.

1. Be clear
You have to know what you want to convey to the other party. There should be no ambiguity. Otherwise, the words that you write or speak can be a piece of evidence against you itself.

2. Be concise
Keep the conversation short but crisp. Within a few words, you should be able to catch the listener’s or reader’s attention. This only happens when you use the correct pause in your tone or the correct punctuation marks in the write-ups. When you gain attention, people will be more willing to listen to you.

3. Complete your conversation
Do not leave the conversation in the middle. Try your best to always end a conversation, whenever it is started. It helps to distress oneself. Then you will also not think about the topic that might have been left in the middle like the elephant in the room.

4. Listen to others attentively
Listening is the biggest part of the communication. If you cannot listen and understand what the other party is trying to say to you, either clearly, or giving you the hints, then it can be a bigger problem in your life ahead.

5. Give important to the feedback
Take the feedback very genuinely. Apart from that, do not forget to give crisp and clear feedback to those who demand from you. It is a surety that the communication has passed & received the way it was intended to.

Identifiable Reasons Of Your Failure In Through The Interview You Recently Gave

Hundreds of reasons can be marked for the failure of a candidate for not being able to land the job he or she wanted to. But we are going to label topmost relatable reasons here:

You are not giving the most genuine answers:
If you are constantly lying throughout your interviews, especially the ones that require you to be someone highly trustable, then you are committing the biggest blunder possible. The interviewers are usually the masters of body language. So, the moment you lie, they are already able to detect it most of the time.

You are not coming off as someone confident:
This happens when you are stammering too much, moving in your position too much, talking too much nonsense, or asking the interviewer to repeat themselves again and again. So, to avoid it, talk slowly at first, listen to the interviewer’s question properly, and then respond after thinking for at least 10-30 seconds.

You are not prepared for the interview:
You have not done a research about the job profile, eligible requirement of the skills, as well as the operations that the firm conducts where the interview is happening. When you know nothing about the company that is hiring, it gives out a very bad impression, and you come off as someone who is not serious about the job.

How To Get The Raise In Your Salary Without Needing To Switch?

Do the requirement homework:
Know what is required to upgrade the scale of your current job profile in the firm. If you are not sure, then surely talk to the HR person and let them know about your intentions for a promotion. If it is a corporate firm, there will be quite a few exams and other performance appraisal techniques that are followed for timely promotion.

Ask your senior for a raise politely:
If you are working in a private organisation for the last 2-5 years, and you feel that you have not got the required raise, then it’s best you either write a letter or an email simply asking for the raise from your mentor or the senior who you are answerable to.

It will make things clearer why you are not getting promoted, or at least not getting a raise in the salary even after 2-5 years in the job.

Later on, you can start looking for better job opportunities, once you get the answer and feel that it is not satisfactory for the immediate hike in your salary.