Interview Do’s and Don’ts

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Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Make preparations on time starting with being punctual!

With these Do’s and Don’ts throughout the interview, you can crack the best job profile of your professional life to date.



Whenever you are headed for an interview, always make sure that you have done ample research from your end. This research includes knowing about the company profile, its achievement, the job role, and the expectation from the job.

More than that, you should also read about the company’s review left by other employees online.

Get the appropriate outfit

Interviews often demand formal attire. This formal attire consists of black shoes/heels, black trousers, and any simple coloured shirt. This shirt usually is in a light blue shade. But women opt for wearing anything from light pink, yellow, off-white shade.

Be punctual

When you are researching the company online, ensure that you know the correct address. If it is quite far from your house, then leave your house by having an extra hour in your hand. That is needed because of the traffic in place. But if you reach before time, it creates a positive image in the mind of the person attending you and the one interviewing you.

Always carry the resume as well as other important credentials

Going without a resume is a bizarre idea. So, make sure that you always have an extra copy of your documents as well as the resume. Sometimes, the interviewer asks for an extra copy on the spot just to check if you have it prepared or not.

Be polite the way you greet and talk to the interviewer

If you are polite throughout the interview, it shows the stability of your confidence. In the middle of the interview, the interviewer might ask you something that you are not prepared for. This might confuse you or even make you conscious. However, if you politely accept the fact of not knowing the answer to the same, you can win brownie points for sure.

Be positive in the approach of answering the questions

Always answer every question with a hint of positivity. If you are not positive at all, the interviewer will end up thinking that you have no back-up plan or that you cannot solve any given problem at hand.

Be a good listener

When the interviewer is asking you questions, be attentive, and listen to what is actually being asked. Try not to get into the situation where the interview might need to repeat the question. If you pull it through, it will create a positive image in the interviewer’s mind.


Move too often in the chair

If you are moving too much, it can be distracting. So, practice sitting straight in a formal posture for at least 20-40 minutes.

Turn up late at the venue

If you do that, it can make you lose the job opportunity at once. No one ever likes the candidate turning up late even for 5 minutes when the job interview is about to start.

Be negative to answer anything

If you are giving negative answers to anything, then it will create a bad or worst image of your career-oriented perspective in life in the interview’s mind. This can jeopardise the chances of you getting a job at the end of the day.

Lie on the face

Just because the interviewer does not know you personally does not mean that he or she cannot catch you lying. They are masters of catching lies because they are interviewing hundreds of people daily. So, make sure that you are not lying, lest you will only lose the job and might even be blacklisted from the company for future interviews.